Sights and Sounds of Silence and Solitude
A timeless moment in the luxury of quietness and solitude.
Read on, slowly.
Heralding the dawning of another lucky day,
The sights and sounds of solitary stillness,
Frolicking in the party of solitude and serenity.
The cockerel imperiously thunders its calls,
Oblivious and ignorant to its passing time.
Still, the time machine ticks away ceaselessly,
From timeless eternity to endless forever.
Luckier than me? I guess there is none.
This jewel, my song of calm and serenity.
Before the hustle and bustle of restlessness,
Drowns out my reverent reverie, as my heart
Dances to my song of silence and solitude.
In the tranquility of yet another lucky day morning, I brought the timepiece to my ears. I can still hear the ceaseless ticktocks of my time machine.
As the moments fly, keep calm and you will hear yours.
In today's world, silence and solitude are expensive luxuries. Share your insights in the comments section.
Thanks for reading.
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